The Time Traveler's Wife

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A dazzling novel in the most untraditional fashion, this is the remarkable story of Henry DeTamble, a dashing, adventuresome librarian who travels involuntarily through time, and Clare Abshire, an artist whose life takes a natural sequential course. Henry and Clare's passionate love affair endures across a sea of time and captures the two lovers in an impossibly romantic trap, and it is Audrey Niffenegger's cinematic storytelling that makes the novel's unconventional chronology so vibrantly triumphant.

An enchanting debut and a spellbinding tale of fate and belief in the bonds of love, The Time Traveler's Wife is destined to captivate readers for years to come.


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Customer Buzz
 "Better than the movie" 2009-08-03
By Simon Cook (Manchester)
Henry Detamble has problems with time - without warning he is dragged through time and is dropped into different decades regardless of what he happens to be doing! With paradoxes that are sure to twist the mind, Henry often encounters himself and will help himself out of a problem - huh?! Clare has seen Henry pop into her life since he first arrived in a meadow naked but for his smile. The inevitable love story is sweet and wonderful and with a brand new movie, interest in this book is at its height.

While the movie is good, it really doesn't do a good job of exploring the feelings of the main characters especially when Henry disappears. I'd suggest reading the book first before seeing the movie.

Customer Buzz
 "Kept me Interested" 2009-08-03
By K. R. Maynard (MCBH, Hawaii)
I loved the book. It has enough of every genre to keep attention. I tend to get bored easily, not with this one. It has a funky science-fiction tint love story, with out too much of one or the other. But there is action and mystery, and never did I feel one over power the others. Very well writen.

Customer Buzz
 "Dull" 2009-08-03
By Mycatsandme (Salt Lake City, Utah United States)
The movie promos looked good so I decided to read the book first. I could not get through this. I got half way through and finally gave up. There is NO plot. Nothing happens. Characters come and go with no real purpose. I feel i wasted a week trying to plough through this.

Customer Buzz
 "Loved it. Loved it. Loved it. Did I mention I loved it?" 2009-08-03
By Christian Rubinstein (Michigan)
I picked up two books about a week ago. One was terrible (gawd awful) and the other was The Time Traveler's Wife which I was hard pressed to put it down until tonight, when I finished it. Yes, the first couple of chapters have a distinct 'sci-fi' feel to them, as you try to figure out what is going on. But, it becomes this incredible story. It doesn't fit into any genre. It's just there. The author does an incredible job just reeling you in with the first couple of pages. You immediate fall for these characters. You feel as you know them. The author has this wonderful ability to imagine this very robust universe. I could very easily imagine the locals, the places, the hangouts. It wasn't difficult at all. The prose style was wonderful, too. It shifted back and forth, taking place from the point of view of either of the two main characters the entire novel. You feel the characters growing, changing. They become *real* very quickly. I love this book. I was sad when it was over, because I didn't want it to be over. I couldn't recommend this book more. A great read, and maybe, just maybe, it might make you rethink some priorities in your life.

Customer Buzz
 "Really could be done within 400 pages" 2009-08-02
The book was only readable when Henry lost his feet. I was so tired of all the French phrases, quotes, vocabulary throughout the book. Sure you know French, or at least researched it but as a reader, I just want to know what the characters are talking about. I don't have time to look up those foreign words.

Also, I dislike so much when the author spent lines describing one action. Like the part she went to a store to buy Henry an album for his birthday. She went on and on and on and on name dropping. Really? What's the whole purpose of this? Maybe she wanted us to know she's done her homework.

I bought the book because of the movie. I have not got to see the movie(since it will not be released for another two weeks) but I am sad to say I have lost some interest. The book was tedious and at times boring. I was bored by Clare's papermaking and tired of their endless sex. Things did not make sense, like how Kimy who was probably 80+ years old toward the end and was still babysitting Henry or Clare.

Last but not least, I find the part when Henry performed oral sex on himself and the part when he time traveled and had sex with Clare while the other Henry was sleeping next to her just plain creepy. I dont think many men out there would love to do the same thing if they could time travel.

Over all, read this book if you know how to skip paragraphs.

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